Teke Teke (Hyper ISIS Edition)

In 1969 an ISIS school girl was standing atop of a bridge with a bomb on her chest. She was bullied at the Assroom for not killing enough Brazilians so she was often lonely. She pulled a pin and exploded accidently. She was trying to open a tuna can but faled and puled the rong pine. All it did was obliterate her out of existence. She died of old age on that bridge. She now haunts fast food restauraunts and bedrooms (off little boys preferably) because she was never a fan of Manchester City.
But this isn't that ghost that wants to get the wash basket. She is dangerous. She sometimes carries about a Laptop and a JEFF THE SEX GAWD t-shirt. The laptop is used for fanart of SANIC and Cockwork. What she does is that she makes people fangirls/boys of JEFF DA SEX GAWD. She is known to chase everyone that puts a negative comment on these things called creepypastas. I know it must be pretty shit, you can just tell by the name. Anyway she chases them with fast speed. Almost as fast as a snail. Even if you could still escape her you will get kidnapped in 3 days by pavements.
When encountering her you would hear a "ALLAU AKBAR" sound. She makes that noise because she runs on her chest. Thats how her got she name. People have been afraid of her fast speed especially Usain Bolt. So the next time you go to the moon. DONT GO TO A MAN CITY GAME.
Link to the original story (which was deleted from the creepypasta wiki but some guys read it before it got deleted, it is on the troll wiki though)